Sunday, September 18, 2011

Emme and Kirova - Photoshop Semiotics: Research in the Age of Digital Manipulation

This article discusses digital art and the advancements in digital manipulation. Manipulating an image allows for the impossible to be seen as possible. In one part of the article, the authors make an interesting comparison while talking about a digitally manipulated picture, which can serve as an ideal type of image. They compare a manipulated image to a diagram of a cell in a science textbook, which is the ideal image for its purpose since a picture of an actual cell would distract from the information in the diagram.

Programs such as Photoshop allow artists to take an image and alter it for a specific purpose or to make it more ideal. For example, a photograph of a model can be altered to not only enhance qualities of the model, but to give the photograph  a certain feeling that changes the relationship between the viewer and the photograph. Here is a manipulated photograph which I feel is an example of this. I found this image here.

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