Thursday, November 17, 2011

Video Projects

For the video remix project, I wanted to show how the media sometimes uses tricks to alter the meaning and context of what a person is saying in order to frame them in a certain way. I did this by altering footage from a Justin Biber interview to change what he was saying. I did this by using the split clip tool in iMovie. I deleted segments of his speech and also re arranged the order of some of his words. I also added in text to make my own interview questions for him.

For the documentary project, I focused on the effects of photoshop on women's body images. I was originally going to do this for my video remix project, so I already had researched multiple videos pertaining to anorexia and the medias affects on women. I decided to use the video sources that I found and talk over them to create my own documentary. I also added my own footage where I interview two of my friends to find out how the media has affected them through their lives.

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