Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sensory Drawing Lesson

 Last friday, Christine and I did our lesson on sensory drawings. We met up with each-other previously to plan our the entire lesson. We wrote down how many minutes we should take for the opening, explanation, work time, clean up time, and critique. We also wrote down what each of us were going to say. We felt so good about the beginning of our lesson that we kind of ignored the close of the lesson, which was a major mistake. We knew that we wanted the class to sit in a circle formation, (which is how the tables are already set up) and have a discussion where they would share their finished work, but we did not bother to think further than that. When the lesson was actually happening, we realized that we should have made the students bring their chairs on the inside of the table to make the circle smaller. It was very ineffective to have the students just sit in their seats because everyone was so far away from each other. When we asked if anyone wanted to share their poem, the room froze and nobody wanted to. We realized that we should have worded that better and not ask people to share their poem but just share their memory and drawing. Also, we should have had the students talk about each other's art instead of just having the artist talk about their own work. We also forgot to mention the clean up instructions. Overall, I think our lesson went good except for those things. I now know how important it is to plan every last bit of the lesson.

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