Friday, October 28, 2011

Artist Presentation

Today my partner and I roll played as teachers during class to do an artist presentation. Our theme was contemporary nostalgia, and the artists which we chose were Greg Simkins andAaron Jasinski. Doing this activity was good practice for being a teacher. In the beginning of our presentation, my partner and I were both very nervous. Although we rehearsed the night before, we stumbled over our words in the beginning. As the presentation went on, we both became more comfortable. We tried to scaffold the questions that we asked according to Bloom's taxonomy. We also asked some "show of hands" questions for silent participation. When nobody answered a question, we called on a random member of the audience. Overall, I think that our presentation was very successful. Some things that I learned about myself as a teacher is that I need to work on being less nervous, and need to become more animated during my lessons.

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