Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Using the Smartboard

Today at my internship at  the Anderson Center for Autism, I left the art room for a chance to observe in a special education classroom. This observation really made me re-think learning how to use the smartboard. The teacher used the smartboard exclusively through out the day to teach all subjects. She made interactive slides which were engaging to the students. The students were even allowed to explore the smartboard on their own at free choice time. Before observing this class I thought that there was no purpose of me learning how to operate the smartboard since my concentration in art education is studio art. However, this observation experience has changed my mind. Students in this classroom were extremely engaged and motivated, which I believe in part is due to the lesson being taught on the smartboard. I think that students who are interested in playing computer or video games pay closer attention to the smartboard than to a regular white board. Using the smartboard also gives the teacher a chance to make the lesson more interactive, like a computer game. Using this technology in the classroom is a great way to get students to be engaged, and I believe that every future teacher should take advantage of this opportunity.

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