Monday, October 17, 2011

Lesson at Rondout Valley High School

Last Tuesday my partner and I taught our lesson at Rondout Valley High School. The students had just completed their contour drawings, and the next assignment was to draw a realistic portrait. My partner and I decided that 30 minutes was too short to show a powerpoint and do a demo, so we skipped the powerpoint. I did a demo on the block in approach and my partner Christine did a demo on the traditional approach. I was nervous at first but then when I started talking I was fine. I tried to talk throughout the demo so that the students wouldn't be just sitting there and watching me draw. After our demo the students got to work on their portraits. Most students used the traditional method of measuring the face, but a few of the more advanced students chose to work with the block in approach. I am excited to return to the school tomorrow to see the progress that the students have made on their drawings.

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